We also got a relay circuit to work. We powered the APRS on and off using a simple relay circuit.
The combined voltage of all the solar panels if 3 were facing the sun was 1.5 volts, but 4 amps. The battery needs 12 volts to charge. If I used a transformer I can basically convert those amps into volts. We used a formula to calculate how many wind on each side of the transformer we need. It turns out I need 12 winds on one side and one on the other. If I do this it will charge completely but will take about 12 hours to charge.
Because of hurricane like conditions tomorrow and a holiday on Monday I have a four-day weekend to work on the project. Tomorrow I am going to be working on the program to turn all the systems on and off by command.
1 comment:
Does that prove that Dad is not smarter than an 8th grader? Just kidding---glad you were able to fix the problem, Bry! Sounds like everything is going well. God was good to provide you a 4-day weekend, plus an added week. Don't forget to thank Him!!! Love you, Nana
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